A recent study paired individuals into groups, one of which spent 30 minutes on a treadmill and the other that participated in 30 minutes of rest. Each group's progress was monitored throughout the treatment with a conclusion that both groups reported having less negative feelings at the end of the study, along with less stress and tension. The difference, however, was found when the group that spent 30 minutes walking also noted an overall improvement in well-being.
"A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world." ~Paul Dudley White

Walking can help relieve stress.
Walking gives you time to think, as well as time to get away from the stressors. Getting out of the stressful environment, breathing the air and feeling your body move is natural stress-relief.
Some walking benefits:
- Put physical and mental distance between you and the stress-causing environment.
- Time away from the stressors to clear your head.
- Many people carry stress by tensing their muscles. By getting into your correct walking posture and form, you unknot those muscles and put them to work. Learn How to Walk
- Observe the environment around you, enjoy the trees, flowers, birds, gardens, sky, storefronts.
- Feel your body in motion, reconnect with yourself.
- Wear off stress-eating related calories.
- Take time to work through problems and possible solutions as you walk.
- Talk and laugh with your walking partner to relieve the stress.
- Let off steam and vent with your walking partner.
- See that there is more to life than your problems.
- Lower your blood pressure and your heart health risk which can be increased by stress.
- Improves mental alertness and memory
- Spurs intellectual creativity and problem solving
- Elevates mood
- Helps prevent and/or reduce depression
- Improves your self-esteem
hi hi hi superr articol ...eu am gasit reteta perfecta de a merge in fiecare zi cca 7 km si mai sunt si platita ptr asta :)) :)) Job-ul perfect :P
Wow, asta chiar ca e jobul perfect! 7 km e foarte bine, chiar excelent! Cu ce te ocupi(daca nu-s prea indiscreta)? O sa vina in curand un post despre cat merg eu pe zi, unde si poze de aici. Mersi pentru mesaj :) Te pup!
Eu stau intr-un mic sat ..iar pe polders e minunat sa mergi ..mai ales pe minuatele polders din Zeeuws-Vlaanderen ...din pacate eu urasc sa ma plimb/merg/fiu singura fara sa fac nimic ..macar sa vb cu cineva sau sa fac orice ( ideal ar fi sa merg si sa creez in acelasi timp ) ..nu am spor daca nu fac ceva .dar acum vro 2 luni am gasit in reclamele care vin acasa un anunt ca se cauta distribuitori de ziare .asa ca pot combina mersul cu castigat cativa banuti ( ii iau nu ii dau :)) si daca mai pui ca nici nu ma intersectez cu programul copiilor :D e si mai ideal ...asa ca am luat job-ul fara sa clipesc ..de la 5 la 7 asta fac umblu prin sat si pe polders ..am bicicleta cu mine ,dar nu o folosesc decat ptr carat ziarele ..nu e my dream job dar numai ca pot merge si face si ceva in acelasi timp e superrr ptr mine si milionara daca as fi si tot nu as renunata la ea .....Aaa si miercuri e tura dubla ( si dupa-amiaza inca vro 5 ) ... ce sa zic is superr fericita cu asta si ma laud peste tot :D..Desi unii nu ar avea cu ce sa se laude si le-ar fi rusinica cu job-ul asta mic ..mie nu imi e ..imbin placutul cu utilul :).Te pup si eu ...Fijne avond ;)
Deci, daca am inteles bine, locuiesti in Olanda? :)
Si eu am aceeasi problema cand ies la plimbare... nu am cu cine vorbi si e destul de aiurea, insa imi pun castile in urechi si incerc sa uit si sa ma bucur de natura. Mi se pare excelent jobul tau si trebuie sa fii mandra de asta :D. Daca as gasi si eu ceva de genul asta (mai ales 2 ore pe zi) as accepta fara nici o ezitare.
Deci inteleg ca stii deja olandeza... De cat timp esti aici?
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