Origami is one of the simplest form of art because the only materials that you need are your hands and paper.
It's extraordinary how you can magically transform an everyday material into a living, breathing creation.
The possible origami creations are endless, from flowers to birds, from cars to clocks, from dung-beetles to elephants, but I like especially the geometric shapes.
Here’s a list of things you never knew about origami
- The word origami has only been in use in the English language for 50 years.
- You can fold a piece of paper in half more than seven times.
- You can solve quadratic and cubic equations by folding paper.
- The oldest known origami book, Hiden Senbazuru Orikata, was written in 1797.
- The largest origami crane was 65 metres by 36 metres. The smallest was folded from a 0.25 millimetre square piece of audio tape by Akira Naito.
- The simplest origami model has only one fold, the most complex more than 200 folds.
- There are more than 200 varieties of origami elephant.
- You can make origami models from food, metal, mesh, money, and of course, paper.
- Poppadom (People Out Practising Paperfolding and Dining on Masala) is a society dedicated to folding origami while eating curry.
- Saburo Kase both created and taught origami, despite being blind.
These are origami stars
Did you know?
The tradition among many in the origami community is that if you fold 1000 of the traditional cranes or stars, you'll get a wish. This has taken on an additional meaning since World War II when a Japanese girl who was suffering from leukemia as a result of the radiation exposure from the nuclear attack on Hiroshima. She started folding cranes in the hopes that she would be able to recover. She did not finish before her death, but her classmates carried on with a wish for peace and to mourn the loss of everyone who lost their lives as a result of the atomic bombs. The Children's Peace Monument was put in place in her memory in Hiroshima and every year millions of paper cranes are left at the monument.
I only got 100, so I have a lot of work to do
Sooo, if you had the chance to make a wish that will come true, what it will be?
ce frumoase sunt operele tale
chiar asteptam ceva poze cu ultimele realizari
spor la cat mai multe
Mersi mult, roxy!
cea portocalie care seamana cu florile care iti plac tie, e superba!
so.. dorinta mea ar fi sa am "lampa lui alladin." :)
intr-adevar, misto dorinta :) Eu inca nu-s decisa, dar pana fac 1000 de stele am tot timpul sa ma hotarasc
Sunt superbe:))Cel mai mult mi-au placut florile portocalii..poate ma inveti si pe mine sa fac:)))
Mersi mult, Kalyaana :D Alea se numesc kusudama si aici e un tutorial pentru a invata cum se fac
foarte frumoase!
Multumesc mult, Elena!
Superba colectie...si eu am facut cateva din aceste sfere, multe le-am facut cadou.
Mersi mult, Melianda! Intr-adevar, pot fi un cadou foarte special.
multa rabdare si creativitate! Hartia este materia prima apoi se adauga cateva ingrediente: inspiratie, pasiune,talent si rezultatul este peste asteptarile multora.
Ai perfecta dreptate, Lollyrot! Multumesc mult pentru cuvintele tale
Beautiful !!! I particularly love the first one the ball made of flowers soooo pretty. My wish will be that a cure for autism could be found.
Hy Tatanky! I also like the first one very much! Thank you for your message and I really hope your wish will come true! Hugs, Alina!
Frumoasa colectie.Am incercat si eu stelute din alea mici da nu mi-au iesit asa de frumoase.Probabil era hartia subtire.
Multumesc mult, Angela!
Intr-adevar, cu hartie subtire nu ies asa bine stelutele. Eu am gasit de cumparat hartie deja taiata pentru stelute, insa banuiesc ca poti taia tu coala de hartie! Spor
Mda,in Olanda,cred si eu ca se gasesc de toate,pe cand aici ... Eu fac si quilling si-mi tai singura hartia cu o linie si un cuter.
Si eu fac quilling, dar am hartia cumparata, cred ca e un chin sa o tai de mana, eu una am incercat si nu am reusit. Asa ca te admir! :)
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